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Tag: cli-update

All the articles with the tag "cli-update".

  • Update Announcement 0.3.1 New SSH Resources and CLI tty fix

    Published: at 07:00 PM

    We’re pleased to announce the addition of new resources to Codify that simplify SSH key management, configuration, and ssh-add interaction. Additionally, a long-standing issue with tty has been resolved in the latest CLI release, version 0.3.1

  • Update Announcement 0.3.0

    Published: at 02:16 PM

    We're happy to announce the new release of version 0.3.0 of Codify and version 0.7.0 of the core plugin. This new releases adds the long awaited `import` feature which allows Codify to generate JSON configs on the users behalf based on what is currently installed on the system.